Terima kasih... Thank you....

anda singgah di ruang galeri yang memamerkan hasil kerajinan tangan saya... walaupun... saat ini belum bisa dikatakan original... karena... masih menggunakan design/pattern yang saya peroleh dari sites yang menyediakan free pattern maupun buku... tapi... proses kreatifitas tidak akan pernah berhenti ...

You stopped over in gallery space that exhibited results of my handicraft... although... at this time still could not be said original.. because... still used design/pattern that was received by me from sites that provided free pattern and the book... but... the process of creativity will never stop ...

Selasa, April 29, 2008

simple lacy lazy granny

this is my first granny which I made without anybody's pattern (my original.....?, might be, .... but I don't know whether somebody had the same pattern as mine......).

at first, I was going to make granny for baby blanket to donate for the charity programme (http://www.from-dc-with-love.blogspot.com/) , but unfortunately what came out from my fingers was this lacy lazy granny..... which too airy for a blanket.....

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